Reviews – Why Unapproved? is an online drugstore that has gone to great lengths to earn the trust of its consumers. People are drawn to the company because of its name. The domain name immediately tells you that it is Canadian. Normally, that would make them even more difficult to trust because a significant number of medical scams on the internet are pretending to be Canadian. However, this store doesn’t simply stop at claiming to be Canadian. It can prove it, which is why so many people have chosen to trust them with their medical needs.

Read more » Reviews – Not The Worst is an internet pharmacy. They sell medicine. However, no one knows much about them. They are not completely fraudulent. The site has a few positive attributes working in its favor. But its operations are not fully above board. Do not believe everything they say. At this moment, they have a lot more claims and a lot less proof. You have a few good reasons to take them at their word. However, you also have several reasons to ignore everything they have said thus far.

Read more » Reviews – Some Bad, Some Good is an American pharmacy based in India. They do not make this clear. Some of their claims make it seem like they are solely American. Others mention India but they do not explain the company’s connection to the country. This kind of confusing information is suspicious. It doesn’t make the store a scam. However, they lose some points as a result. You can do business with them but you should be careful.

Read more » Reviews – Seems Unsafe is an internet pharmacy that is almost legit. It has a few encouraging characteristics but it doesn’t always say the right things. Naturally, it makes several exaggerated claims but they have lost some of their weight because the content on their website is so poorly constructed. It is also worth noting that no other organization has corroborated their claims. That is always a sign of trouble. You cannot trust an internet pharmacy that has failed to earn the trust and respect of its peers in the industry.

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