Reviews – Perfect Trust Score

Trust Level70%
70% claims to be a reliable digital health clinic for men. Are you looking for a complete review of this drugstore platform? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. In this review, we will discuss the domain info, business profile info, regulatory approval details, and much more relevant details that you must know before placing an order with this site.

Domain Details
Origin CountryUnited States
Business Profile
Pharmacy NameRoman
Licenses, and Approvals
Pharmacy Checkerno
Customer Support
Shipping Options
Regular Mailyes
Express Shippingyes
Free Shippingyes
Payment Modes
Credit/Debit Cardyes
E-Check/Personal checkno
Western Unionno

Domain Info

Validating the domain info of a drugstore platform is one of the very important parts of this review. Do not worry because we have done a thorough investigation on it via

registers in 2017Please note that the domain is registered on 2017-03-18. So, this pharmacy isn’t a total newbie for sure! They are running a business for 2-3 years as of now. The domain is expected to be expired on 2021-03-18.

Also, we will now check the domain registrant contact details of this drugstore. The domain registrant contact name is provided as Saman Rahmanian. Also, the pharmacy has mentioned the full name of its domain registrant contact organization as well Roman Health Ventures Inc.

The best part is that the domain registrant contact details are also fully mentioned. Here’s the address for the domain registrant contact  street: 900 Broadway Suite 706, city: New York, state: NY, postal code: 10003, country: US.

Business Profile Info

Since we have already validated the domain details in the above sections, we won’t now waste any further time and reveal the business profile details of this pharmacy. In this case, we have used an independent site like to get the business profile info of this pharmacy. Based on the info that we have got, the platform has received a full and perfect 100% trust score and it’s mentioned to be a safe and legit site.

rating of 100%

The business profile info like the business owner name, organization name, and address details are all mentioned on For example, the business owner name is given as Saman Rahmanian and the organization to which it belongs is named Roman Health Ventures Inc. The possible country likelihood is the US.

Homepage and Website Layout

The homepage of this pharmacy website looks very nicely organized. It doesn’t have a cluttered interface for sure! Rather, the website has a very interactive and easy to use interface which is great.

Regulatory Approvals

While doing a review on this drugstore, we have tried to validate if this pharmacy has received any regulatory approvals or not. To validate this, we have visited and found that the pharmacy is certified by LegitScript.


It looks like that this pharmacy has been able to fulfill Legitscript’s internet pharmacy verification standards and that’s why they have got the approval seal from LegitScript. That’s why seems to be a trustworthy drugstore site.

Products and Pricing

There are different types of medicines that you can purchase from this site. Here’re the available medicine categories

lots of pills

   Hair Loss

   Prescription Treatment

   Over the counter medicines

   Daily Health and more.

These all types of medicines are procured from US licensed pharmacies and they have a reasonable price tag. The drugstore attempts to keep their medicine pricing at par with the average industry rate.

Payment and Shipping Policy

All the standard payment options are supported. For example, you can easily place an order with this site using any credit card or debit card.

You can use either Visa or MasterCard to place your orders with this pharmacy. There is a shipping policy using which all the orders are dispatched through safe and discreet packaging.

Delivery Timeline

free of chargeAll the orders are dispatched as soon as the order is placed and it takes around two days to dispatch and deliver the orders. Please note that there is no shipping charge on it.

The platform ensures a free doorstep delivery service of your ordered medicines.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

The platform has not received many customer reviews. We have used to check this and found that this drugstore has received just one review. The overall rating for the customer feedback is above average.

average rating

Final Verdict

No, isn’t a scam for sure! They are running a legit business. We have rated this LegitScript approved pharmacy with a trust score of 70%.

Possible Alternatives

If you want to choose another online pharmacy, you can have a look at the pharmacy rating organized according to the level of our trust in them. This rating is based on our reviews and is available at the following link:

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