Reviews – Too Many Risks is a drugstore that claims to guarantee the best prices and your satisfaction, but are their claims really justified? We look at what this pharmacy does and find many reasons to doubt their claims.

Domain Details
Origin Countryunknown
Business Profile
Pharmacy NameOnline Health Pharma
Licenses, and Approvals
Pharmacy Checkerno
Customer Support
Shipping Options
Regular Mailno
Express Shippingyes
Free Shippingno
Payment Modes
Credit/Debit Cardyes
E-Check/Personal checkno
Western Unionno

Domain Name Information

Domain name records show that this pharmacy address has been registered for 10 years. This could indicate that they are more reliable as scam pharmacies don’t normally stick around for very long.

registered in 2012

There isn’t any contact information for the owner of the business as they are using a privacy service. This isn’t ideal, though it isn’t necessarily an indication that the business is unreliable.

Business Profile

The store doesn’t provide any business information. This means that they are completely unaccountable if anything goes wrong. It also means that we don’t even know which country they are located in.

These problems increase the chance that the pharmacy is a scam that is going to provide a bad service to customers.

Regulatory Approvals

The pharmacy says that they are licensed but provides no information to support this claim. They don’t even say which regulatory association they are licensed by, so this is unlikely to be true.


Checking with LegitScript indicates that this pharmacy isn’t a good one. They have given them the rating of a rogue, showing that they don’t have the accreditation that they need when selling medications online.

Meds Sold

The store is offering a reasonable range of pills that include:

  Men’s health


  Pain relief


Most of the pills available seem to be generic, though they don’t provide any information about who has manufactured the tablets. This is a common problem with scam pharmacy stores and increases the chances that the medication being sold is low-quality.

Low-quality drugs might not include the active ingredients expected. This could mean that your treatment doesn’t work, leading to more problems. If that is the case, the saving made from buying pills here won’t look very good. But even then, the meds sold by this pharmacy aren’t even that cheap.

popular drugs

They don’t give an address for the location that dispenses the meds, but there seems to be some suggestion that it is in India. Many generic pills are produced in India, but they aren’t always from well-known manufacturers. Since this pharmacy doesn’t provide any information, it is probably fair to assume the source of their meds isn’t high-quality.

They do mention the pills being approved by the Indian FDA, but this only means the drug formulas. Even if this claim is true, though there isn’t any evidence, there seem to be too many risks with this store.

Payment and Shipping

The transaction pages on the site are secure, and you can pay using the following options:


  American Express


  Diners Club


There is only a single option for shipping. Express shipping costs $29.95 with delivery in 7 to 10 business days. Reviews

There is a testimonials page with 6 positive reviews, however, we know these are fake. We have seen these comments before and they aren’t from customers of this pharmacy.

The feedback is also unusual in a couple of ways that make them seem unreal. They give the full name of the person making the comment as well as their location and photograph.

fake comments

You don’t normally get this amount of information in testimonials, particularly as some of the comments are talking about subjects that many people would rather keep private. It’s also likely that the photographs are taken from somewhere else and don’t match up with the name given.

Any business that is using fake customer feedback like this one, isn’t going to be a trustworthy place to purchase your meds from.


This pharmacy has a lot of problems. Though they have been online for a decade, there are many things they should be doing that they aren’t.

They don’t give any business information, we aren’t sure where the pills are dispensed from, and they are lying about being a licensed pharmacy. All of these issues are things that frequently happen with scam pharmacies.

We see no reason to recommend this drugstore when there are many better online options. We only give 20% of trust to this pharmacy.

Possible Alternatives

If you want to choose another online pharmacy, you can have a look at the pharmacy rating organized according to the level of our trust in them. This rating is based on our reviews and is available at the following link:

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