Reviews – Be Careful With This Site

Trust Level20%

This is one of many websites based in Canada that sell pharmaceuticals online. There is a very limited about of information about this website which makes it a high-risk site that could potentially be part of a scam.

Domain Details
Origin CountryGermany, US
Business Profile
Pharmacy NameOnline Pharmacy
Licenses, and Approvals
Pharmacy Checkerno
Customer Support
TelephoneUS: +1-760-284-3222
EU: +4420-3286-3820
Shipping Options
Regular Mailyes
Express Shippingyes
Free Shippingfor orders above 200$
Payment Modes
Credit/Debit Cardyes
E-Check/Personal checkyes
Western Unionno

Domain Info

The website is registered with a German address although it advertises Canada in the domain title. The domain registrar is based in India. Having more than one country connected to the origin of the site increases its risk potential, especially when one of the countries is itself considered generally high-risk. It was first registered in 2015, therefore, has been in operation for some time which should help to reduce the possibility of the website being a scam. However, there is hardly any information and no reviews about the website from outside the site which makes it more dangerous given that the site has been in existence for a number of years. The domain owner also has four more websites registered, all selling discounted pharmaceuticals. From this information, the site seems difficult to trust.

Business Profile

The landing page of this website is very similar to the others registered to the owner. It emphasizes low cost and includes a large image suggesting prices are up to 70% lower than pharmacies. An image of a man in a white coat with a stethoscope is designed to suggest medical expertise. It promotes itself as a worldwide distributor of medications and pharmaceuticals associated with improvements in sexual performance are highlighted. Contact details are given for both the United States and Europe but there is no indication of where the company itself is based and nothing to support the use of Canada in its title.

Regulatory Approvals

The website states in the Frequently Asked Questions area that its products are generic medications which have FDA approval, however, there is no evidence to support this statement. It does not sell branded medicines and explains the reason for this is to keep costs down. There is no information on where the drugs are made or distributed. In addition, the site does not require copies of prescriptions for any of its medications which dramatically increases its risk. Most legit pharmaceuticals will refuse to send prescription drugs without evidence of a prescription from a medical professional.

Products and Pricing

As mentioned above, products heavily advertised are related to sexual performance and the sort of medications that might cause embarrassment or difficulties in securing a prescription. Costs are advertised as dramatically lower than elsewhere. Products include:


   Asthma products

   Herbal remedies

   Hayfever products

   Women’s health medications

Payments and Shipping

Only one form of payment is offered which again increases its risk potential. Customers are asked for credit card payment before medications are shipped. The site promises that payment information is safe from abuse due to SSL encryption but there is no evidence to support that assertion. It offers two methods of delivery – Airmail and EMS Courier. Airmail is indicated to take up to three weeks with the courier services suggesting 3-8 days. However, no guarantee is given on either form of delivery. There is no information to tell customers where the medications originate. Although the name of the website suggests Canada as the country of origin, there is no mention of Canada in any of the website’s further information.

Delivery Details

The site warns that delays may be caused due to customs procedures. It advertises worldwide delivery and also offers to deliver to PO boxes which is a dangerous practice when prescription medications are involved. It states that packaging is discreet and parcels are presented as gifts. However, deliveries do not appear to require a signature.

Customer Reviews

Some testimonials appear on the website itself but there are no customer reviews available outside the site, which might suggest a high degree of risk. The testimonials refer to speedy delivery and the majority mention medications for sexual performance. One refers to “negative reviews” but there are none to be found either on the website or externally. This might suggest that some of the testimonials on the site are fake.


Overall, there are so many factors that suggest this website is at high risk of being a scam, we recommend that it is not to be trusted and can only award a trust rating of 20%.

Possible Alternatives

If you want to choose another online pharmacy, you can have a look at the pharmacy rating organized according to the level of our trust in them. This rating is based on our reviews and is available at the following link:

2 thoughts on “ Reviews – Be Careful With This Site”

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